Sunday, January 30, 2011

YEP, I'M STILL ALIVE! | Phoenix Pet Photographer

I apologize for the total lack of posts the last week or two...  I'm kind of buried at the moment!  Who said January was going to be slow??

If you've been thinking about taking advantage of the January special for our Portrait Sessions, I have good news for you!  I'm extending it through the month of February, too!  So, book your session soon...there are no promises that it will go beyond the end of the month...  (but you never know!! :) )

I promise I'll be back shortly... and have some really fun images to post!

Just a hint...  I've been playing with images of cute little creatures that look like this!!

Baby Barn Owl...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

JANUARY PORTRAIT SPECIAL | Phoenix Pet Photographer

We've finally had a chance to recover from the holidays!  And, as promised, our January Portrait Special has begun! 

This special applies to both Packages #1 and #2...  Although the price remains the same for both packages, it now includes a $50.00 print credit built into Package #1 and a $75.00 print credit built into package #2!  This is a great time to take advantage of free prints and the days are BEAU-TI-FUL!  So many fun locations to do your photo session and with the cooler weather the dogs are in such a playful mood!

So, check it out on the website and book your session now!  Okay... so this portrait just MIGHT spill over into February!!

And, just for you dedicated followers of the blog... there's going to be a fun mini-session scheduled in the near future!  You'll be the first to hear about it here!  There will only be a limited number of sessions available, so you'll get the first chance to sign up!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

NEW YEAR...NEW LOOK! | Scottsdale Pet Photographer

Okay... I think I like the lighter look to the blog better than the black background...  I may not be totally done with the overhaul yet, but it's a start! 

Do you like it better than the black???

Great-Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Friday, January 14, 2011


I was working in Tucson yesterday only a few blocks from UMC.  I needed to make time to go see the Memorial honoring those involved in the Tucson Tragedy.  It was breathtaking.  It was massive!  The emotion in the air was palpable... 

People came with flowers, notes, stuffed animals, and balloons.  They brought their children and their dogs.  It was so quiet.  The news vans with their satellite dishes were camped out in the parking lot with cables winding across the front lawn.  Reporters from different stations were set up side-by-side around the perimeter reporting live. 

(I think by mistake I might have ended up in some Spanish-speaking news report when I inadvertantly walked right behind the reporter reading from his teleprompter!  Oops... lo siento!) 

I was told there was another Memorial that was just as impressive set up in front of Gabrielle Giffords office, but I didn't have time to make it over there before heading back to Phoenix.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

BACK TO REALITY! | Cave Creek Pet Photographer

Squirt and I had a great time up north this weekend!  There's something special about waking up to see the world covered with snow... it's sooo peaceful!  Well, that is, unless you live in it all the time and have to shovel your way out of the driveway just to get to work!  Trust me on this one... I used to live in Michigan!  It's not nearly as special when you have to live with it day in and day out month after month!  But...for the weekend, it was great!

We played... we relaxed...slept in slivers of sunlight...and we played some more!  I even got a little work done!  So now...bring on 2011!  I think I'm ready! 

Friday, January 7, 2011


Well, the holiday rush is finally over and I still don't feel like I've had a chance to stop and breathe.  So, tomorrow I'm taking my little Rodent-dog and heading to Heber to spend a couple days just relaxing.  I want to play in the snow and sit in front of the fireplace... reflect on 2010 and try to decide the direction I want to head in 2011!  I'm not really one for resolutions.  I learned years ago that my resolutions seem to be doomed to failure! 

I know I want (and need) to make some changes in the new year.  I have so many things to be thankful for as I look back on the past year, but also many things I need to do differently.  The cold mountain air is good for clearing the mind... and the blazing fire is good for my soul!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Since no post is complete without a is one of Squirt taken last winter.  WHY doesn't he ever seem to get cold??